Waiver Schedule

Driver Seat Belt Violations: $105.00

Passenger Seat Belt Violations: $95.00

Speed Violations (for 1st and 2nd offense violations only). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court

Speed Limit 20 Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit 45 Speed Limit 55 Speed Limit 70
21 - $114.00 26 - $114.00 36 - $114.00 46 - $114.00 56 - $114.00 71 - $114.00
22 - $117.00 27 - $117.00 37 - $117.00 47 - $117.00 57 - $117.00 72 - $117.00
23 - $120.00 28 - $120.00 38 - $120.00 48 - $120.00 58 - $120.00 73 - $120.00
24 - $123.00 29 - $123.00 39 - $123.00 49 - $123.00 59 - $123.00 74 - $123.00
25 - $126.00 30 - $126.00 40 - $126.00 50 - $126.00 60 - $126.00 75 - $126.00
26 - $129.00 31 - $129.00 41 - $129.00 51 - $129.00 61 - $129.00 76 - $129.00
27 - $132.00 32 - $132.00 42 - $132.00 52 - $132.00 62 - $132.00 77 - $132.00
28 - $135.00 33 - $135.00 43 - $135.00 53 - $135.00 63 - $135.00 78 - $135.00
29 - $138.00 34 - $138.00 44 - $138.00 54 - $138.00 64 - $138.00 79 - $138.00
30 - $141.00 35 - $141.00 45 - $141.00 55 - $141.00 65 - $141.00 80 - $141.00
31 - $144.00 36 - $144.00 46 - $144.00 56 - $144.00 66 - $144.00 81 - $144.00
32 - $147.00 37 - $147.00 47 - $147.00 57 - $147.00 67 - $147.00 82 - $147.00
33 - $150.00 38 - $150.00 48 - $150.00 58 - $150.00 68 - $150.00 83 - $150.00
34 - $153.00 39 - $153.00 49 - $153.00 59 - $153.00 69 - $153.00 84 - $153.00
35 - $156.00 40 - $156.00 50 - $156.00 60 - $156.00 70 - $156.00 85 - $156.00
36 - $159.00 41 - $159.00 51 - $159.00 61 - $159.00 71 - $159.00 86 - $159.00
37 - $162.00 42 - $162.00 52 - $162.00 62 - $162.00 72 - $162.00 87 - $162.00
38 - $165.00 43 - $165.00 53 - $165.00 63 - $165.00 73 - $165.00 88 - $165.00
39 - $168.00 44 - $168.00 54 - $168.00 64 - $168.00 74 - $168.00 89 - $168.00
40 - $171.00 45 - $171.00 55 - $171.00 65 - $171.00 75 - $171.00 90 - $171.00
41 - $174.00 46 - $174.00 56 - $174.00 66 - $174.00 76 - $174.00 91 - $174.00
42 - $177.00 47 - $177.00 57 - $177.00 67 - $177.00 77 - $177.00 92 - $177.00
43 - $180.00 48 - $180.00 58 - $180.00 68 - $180.00 78 - $180.00 93 - $180.00
44 - $183.00 49 - $183.00 59 - $183.00 69 - $183.00 79 - $183.00 94 - $183.00
45 - $186.00 50 - $186.00 60 - $186.00 70 - $186.00 80 - $186.00 95 - $186.00
46 - $189.00 51 - $189.00 61 - $189.00 71 - $189.00 81 - $189.00 96 - $189.00
47 - $192.00 52 - $192.00 62 - $192.00 72 - $192.00 82 - $192.00 97 - $192.00
48 - $195.00 53 - $195.00 63 - $195.00 73 - $195.00 83 - $195.00 98 - $195.00
49 - $198.00 54 - $198.00 64 - $198.00 74 - $198.00 84 - $198.00 99 - $198.00

All Accidents $175.00; Defendant MUST APPEAR in court if wishing to enter a "No Contest" plea.

The following are $150.00 violations without an accident (for 1st and 2nd offense violations ONLY). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court.

Bike Lane Violation Change Lane w/o Caution Cross Over Median Dog Barking Dog Running
Drive in Turn Lane Drive on Closed Road Drive upon Right Side RW Excessive Noise Exp OL < months
Expired Registration Child Restraint Fail to Display OL Fail to Display Registration Fail Drive Cont Lanes
Fail to Signal Fail Transfer Registration Fail to Yield Faulty Brakes Follow to Close
Headlights Not Working Hitchhiking Improper Pass Improper Turn Insecure Load
Left of Center Litter on Roadway Loud Exhaust No Dog License No Front Plate
No MC Helmet/Glasses Slow Moving Vehicle Obstruct Intersection Parked in Roadway Previous Owner Plates
Red Light/Stop Sign Squeal Tires Temp Permit w/o Driver Unsafe Vehicle Wrong Way

The following are $175.00 violations (for 1st and 2nd offense violations ONLY). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court.

Drive While Texting Excessive Wake Fail Slow Emergency Vehicle Fail Control Fish Over Limit
Fish w/ > 2 Rods Headphones While Driving Insufficient Flotation Devices No Mud Flaps No Boating License
No Fishing License Operate w/o Reasonable Control Over Width/height Perch Over Limit Assured Clear Distance

The following are $210.00 violations:

Cross Against RR Gates/Flashers ORC 4511.62 Fail Transfer Registration (M4) ORC 4503.12 Permit Violations ORC 4513.34

The following are $260.00 violations:

Disorderly Conduct Drug Paraphernalia (MM) Intoxicated Pedestrian NO Highway Use Tax No Log Book
Open Container Possess Marijuana Public Intoxication Reckless Operation MV Steam Litter