Waiver Schedule
Driver Seat Belt Violations: $105.00
Passenger Seat Belt Violations: $95.00
Speed Violations (for 1st and 2nd offense violations only). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court
Speed Limit 20 | Speed Limit 25 | Speed Limit 35 | Speed Limit 45 | Speed Limit 55 | Speed Limit 70 |
21 - $114.00 | 26 - $114.00 | 36 - $114.00 | 46 - $114.00 | 56 - $114.00 | 71 - $114.00 |
22 - $117.00 | 27 - $117.00 | 37 - $117.00 | 47 - $117.00 | 57 - $117.00 | 72 - $117.00 |
23 - $120.00 | 28 - $120.00 | 38 - $120.00 | 48 - $120.00 | 58 - $120.00 | 73 - $120.00 |
24 - $123.00 | 29 - $123.00 | 39 - $123.00 | 49 - $123.00 | 59 - $123.00 | 74 - $123.00 |
25 - $126.00 | 30 - $126.00 | 40 - $126.00 | 50 - $126.00 | 60 - $126.00 | 75 - $126.00 |
26 - $129.00 | 31 - $129.00 | 41 - $129.00 | 51 - $129.00 | 61 - $129.00 | 76 - $129.00 |
27 - $132.00 | 32 - $132.00 | 42 - $132.00 | 52 - $132.00 | 62 - $132.00 | 77 - $132.00 |
28 - $135.00 | 33 - $135.00 | 43 - $135.00 | 53 - $135.00 | 63 - $135.00 | 78 - $135.00 |
29 - $138.00 | 34 - $138.00 | 44 - $138.00 | 54 - $138.00 | 64 - $138.00 | 79 - $138.00 |
30 - $141.00 | 35 - $141.00 | 45 - $141.00 | 55 - $141.00 | 65 - $141.00 | 80 - $141.00 |
31 - $144.00 | 36 - $144.00 | 46 - $144.00 | 56 - $144.00 | 66 - $144.00 | 81 - $144.00 |
32 - $147.00 | 37 - $147.00 | 47 - $147.00 | 57 - $147.00 | 67 - $147.00 | 82 - $147.00 |
33 - $150.00 | 38 - $150.00 | 48 - $150.00 | 58 - $150.00 | 68 - $150.00 | 83 - $150.00 |
34 - $153.00 | 39 - $153.00 | 49 - $153.00 | 59 - $153.00 | 69 - $153.00 | 84 - $153.00 |
35 - $156.00 | 40 - $156.00 | 50 - $156.00 | 60 - $156.00 | 70 - $156.00 | 85 - $156.00 |
36 - $159.00 | 41 - $159.00 | 51 - $159.00 | 61 - $159.00 | 71 - $159.00 | 86 - $159.00 |
37 - $162.00 | 42 - $162.00 | 52 - $162.00 | 62 - $162.00 | 72 - $162.00 | 87 - $162.00 |
38 - $165.00 | 43 - $165.00 | 53 - $165.00 | 63 - $165.00 | 73 - $165.00 | 88 - $165.00 |
39 - $168.00 | 44 - $168.00 | 54 - $168.00 | 64 - $168.00 | 74 - $168.00 | 89 - $168.00 |
40 - $171.00 | 45 - $171.00 | 55 - $171.00 | 65 - $171.00 | 75 - $171.00 | 90 - $171.00 |
41 - $174.00 | 46 - $174.00 | 56 - $174.00 | 66 - $174.00 | 76 - $174.00 | 91 - $174.00 |
42 - $177.00 | 47 - $177.00 | 57 - $177.00 | 67 - $177.00 | 77 - $177.00 | 92 - $177.00 |
43 - $180.00 | 48 - $180.00 | 58 - $180.00 | 68 - $180.00 | 78 - $180.00 | 93 - $180.00 |
44 - $183.00 | 49 - $183.00 | 59 - $183.00 | 69 - $183.00 | 79 - $183.00 | 94 - $183.00 |
45 - $186.00 | 50 - $186.00 | 60 - $186.00 | 70 - $186.00 | 80 - $186.00 | 95 - $186.00 |
46 - $189.00 | 51 - $189.00 | 61 - $189.00 | 71 - $189.00 | 81 - $189.00 | 96 - $189.00 |
47 - $192.00 | 52 - $192.00 | 62 - $192.00 | 72 - $192.00 | 82 - $192.00 | 97 - $192.00 |
48 - $195.00 | 53 - $195.00 | 63 - $195.00 | 73 - $195.00 | 83 - $195.00 | 98 - $195.00 |
49 - $198.00 | 54 - $198.00 | 64 - $198.00 | 74 - $198.00 | 84 - $198.00 | 99 - $198.00 |
All Accidents $175.00; Defendant MUST APPEAR in court if wishing to enter a "No Contest" plea.
The following are $150.00 violations without an accident (for 1st and 2nd offense violations ONLY). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court.
Bike Lane Violation | Change Lane w/o Caution | Cross Over Median | Dog Barking | Dog Running |
Drive in Turn Lane | Drive on Closed Road | Drive upon Right Side RW | Excessive Noise | Exp OL < months |
Expired Registration | Child Restraint | Fail to Display OL | Fail to Display Registration | Fail Drive Cont Lanes |
Fail to Signal | Fail Transfer Registration | Fail to Yield | Faulty Brakes | Follow to Close |
Headlights Not Working | Hitchhiking | Improper Pass | Improper Turn | Insecure Load |
Left of Center | Litter on Roadway | Loud Exhaust | No Dog License | No Front Plate |
No MC Helmet/Glasses | Slow Moving Vehicle | Obstruct Intersection | Parked in Roadway | Previous Owner Plates |
Red Light/Stop Sign | Squeal Tires | Temp Permit w/o Driver | Unsafe Vehicle | Wrong Way |
The following are $175.00 violations (for 1st and 2nd offense violations ONLY). 3rd or any subsequent violations MUST APPEAR in Court.
Drive While Texting | Excessive Wake | Fail Slow Emergency Vehicle | Fail Control | Fish Over Limit |
Fish w/ > 2 Rods | Headphones While Driving | Insufficient Flotation Devices | No Mud Flaps | No Boating License |
No Fishing License | Operate w/o Reasonable Control | Over Width/height | Perch Over Limit | Assured Clear Distance |
The following are $210.00 violations:
Cross Against RR Gates/Flashers ORC 4511.62 | Fail Transfer Registration (M4) ORC 4503.12 | Permit Violations ORC 4513.34 |
The following are $260.00 violations:
Disorderly Conduct | Drug Paraphernalia (MM) | Intoxicated Pedestrian | NO Highway Use Tax | No Log Book |
Open Container | Possess Marijuana | Public Intoxication | Reckless Operation MV | Steam Litter |